Tag Archives: bloggers

In favor of meritocracy. Right?…

Marketing and general business guru Seth Godin (pictured) is a prolific writer, particularly on his blog.  He generally sticks to business subject matter but today he took on education.

What he advocates for is essentially a reboot of our deeply embedded sorting system within our public schools that rewards natural talent and good looks ahead of teamwork and effort.

He thinks we need to stop and ask ourselves the question: What is school for?

He argues that we take the easy way out, that instead of celebrating “the students who regularly try the hardest” and “who help each other the most… we take a shortcut and resort to trivial measures instead.” I agree. What about you?

“When we bench people who aren’t naturally good, what’s the lesson?” – Seth Godin

Here’s a link to today’s post by Seth Godin — The wasteful fraud of sorting for youth meritocracy — which I recommend reading first. THEN move on to his full-blown manifesto which can be found at the end of the above blog post.

Okay, now Back to School, everyone! :-)